PTC-CSJ and EWSF Launch VeggiEskwela Project
12 April 2021
PTC-CSJ Foundation and East-West Seed Foundation (EWSF) recently launched a new partnership project, VeggiEskwela, that aims to enhance food security through vegetable production at home and in schools.

VeggiEskwela provides participants with capacity building, gardening inputs/seeds, tools and materials to enable them to establish vegetable gardens using available backyard spaces and repurposed containers.

A total of 52 trainees, either teachers, staff or parents, from PTC-CSJ’s 13 beneficiary-Schools in Muntinlupa City attend five weekly online sessions which started on April 7, submit weekly assignments online via FB, and take tests to receive Certificates of Attendance in 13 webinars.

Through VeggiEskwela, PTC-CSJ hopes to further support the schools and families during the pandemic, in addition to the 3G Program’s nutrition enhancement/feeding for undernourished pupils.